Why is it that [33-39F] finds it tougher to date, than a [40+F].

Okay, let's science the sh1t out of it:

33F - 39F raised in Western culture: society puts a tremendous amount of pressure on women that age who are still single. Many of their friends are married and constantly ask them when they will be "next". Their families usually don't help. Marriage becomes a constant topic around them, people talk about their "biological clocks" ticking, etc, etc.

Women in this age group sadly crack under the pressure: they start to critically look at any relationship they get into and put it under a microscope and analysis for having the ultimate "goal" of marriage. Very few relationships can survive this scrutiny and inability to grow "organically". This also (of course) tends to make these women extremely "picky" and so no guy is good enough and most are quickly cut for any misstep. These are the women on dating sites with the profiles listing 100s of qualities a guy must have before contacting them, or stating 100s of "dealbreakers" (I have seen some truly hilarious ones like "if you do not have a Facebook account do not contact me because you are antisocial and sketchy" hahaha no I'm not kidding, and alas I happen to be a hater of Facebook because I think its a waste of time pursuing superficial "friendships", not because I'm "antisocial", but yes, I had to move on lol)

After "wandering in the wilderness" in this hypercritical stage, many do learn to "chill" and stop being overcritical and just learn to enjoy life and most importantly become happy with their lives as they get into their 40s. They realise "hey, I made it successfully into my 40s without needing a man after all, maybe the whole Marriage industrial Complex BS I was fed since I was a little girl was just that - BS. I am happy with myself, what I have achieved without the help of a man, and I have traveled the world, done a lot of things that my married friends envy me for doing." Once this lightbulb goes off in their heads, they become the coolest women to be around compared to their 30s selves. Younger men flock to them, older men flock to them, they stop using sex as a "carrot" to entrap men into marriage, etc. Basically their inner awesomeness emerges!

This is all just based on a small scientific sample. Further studies and "control" subjects are needed before any conclusions can be drawn, but I think I just scienced some sh1t out of it. No?

/r/relationships Thread