4,5 year skinny to not-so-skinny transformation!

I'll spare you the long backstory and give you the main takeaways:

  • Quit watching all porn or similarly stimulating materials.

  • Cut back heavily on masturbation. Try to keep it to 1-3 times a month.

  • Rule out physiological factors: eliminate sugar, eliminate alcohol, increase fat intake, reduce bodyfat percentage to under 15%, if <15% BF then eat at maintenance/surplus, lift weights, and take a testosterone test. Having a doctor tell you your levels of test are normal and the issue is likely psychological can be HUGE in getting you past it.

  • Give it a few months for it to sink in. This is the most psychologically difficult part.

  • Get a sexual partner to rewire your arousal to purely human sexual contact. This can be hard to pull off, as you'll need at least one partner who will not pressure you AND be satisfied by oral/finger play.

  • If you have issues with condoms feeling tight and choking your erections, go to /r/bigdickproblems and read up on where to get appropriately sized condoms. Just throwing this in there in case this might be part of the problem.

It can be a long and torturous slog. These issues started in last year December for me and only in the last 2 weeks have all the above paid off. Having sex more regularly is pretty much the only thing left to get me over the finish line.

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