About Me

Oh damn good luck at New York.
I'll take Rocket League!

Describe your favorite game and why

My favorite game has to be League of Legends, that game introduced me to a whole new world and I wonder where I would be without that since back in the day I was into deep web and you could say that League made me a better person even though it's currently in a not good condition.

Describe the hardest game you've ever played and why

Fuck I Wanna Be The Boshy, I saw Faker(Korean League Pro) play it and I thought ''how card can it be?'' i downloaded it and started to play, the tutorial was somewhat average, i could play it like a person who knew that game, then came the first platform, i never made it to next platform or level. I was basically stuck on the same screen and died over and over again, the only choice left was to give up, which i frustratingly accepted.

Describe the most fun occurrence you've had playing a video game and why.

I just wanted to throw this in, the most fun was probably during a League game but I'll ignore league since I already described a bit about that and why I enjoy it to a good degree.
I used to play BF3 with my friend which was in the same clan as me back in the day when we played a lot of San Andreas Multiplayer(SA:MP).
One day we were playing conquest map which had jets on an Aircraft Carrier, it was my first time riding a jet plane so I didn't know the controls well, my friend was on the ground and was watching me, i crashed right into HQ and died, we both ROFL'd that day.

/r/pcmasterrace Thread