Adderall for ADHD

Hi I know this isn't the normal rhetoric on this sub, and I'll probably be downvoted to oblivion. But you may also be on too much adderall/it could be causing your problems. I've had a number of friends for whom adderall increased their anxiety to levels that could only be countered by upping their dosage, but at the higher dosage they were less productive but just felt more in control. They were all much more successful on the a low dose of adderall and then an anti-anxiety regime/work with a therapist on that specifically then they were by simply increasing dosage.

Also, even if adderall helps with your adhd symptoms, it has side affects from the way it works within your brain that can lead to depression in the days (or weeks) following if you choose to skip days (or even if you don't, I always found that those symptoms felt like they built up). I was on it for years and was always trying to figure out why I was an emotional rollercoaster and I felt like my mood and energy levels only evened out after I'd stopped taking them for a few months.

Again, clearly not everyone's experience and may not be yours. Just thought I'd offer a different perspective.

/r/ADHD Thread