After a woman was taken to the hospital with hypoglycemia (low bloodsugar), two policemen stayed behind to prepare dinner for the five kids who were still in the house. Afterwards, they also did the dishes. Respect. (Eindhoven, Netherlands)

Almost a decade ago, while studying art, I built my own camera from an old document scanner, a big cardboard box and a magnifying glass, Michael Golembewski style. Basically, it was a big box with wires coming out of it, connected to a small laptop.

Now, because of the way a document scanner works you can make really funny pictures with this camera if things in the picture move while you "scan in" a photo. So I figured it might lead to interesting picture sif you take this camera, put it on a pram and then sloooowly walk back and forth through the street while scanning in a photo. A pram... with a big box... with wires coming out. TOTES INCONSPICUOUS.

Eventually three cops show up. Two are quite young, one is a bit older. The young ones are friendly and ask me politely what I'm doing, explaining that they received phone calls by concerned citizens about a suspicious looking guy (I'm a fairly tanned half-Asian with a beard and moustache, which is non-white enough to be "suspicious" I guess) walking back and forth in the same street with a weird contraption. I show them my ID and explain that I'm an art student and that that thing I'm pushing around is a home-made camera. The old guy starts talking in an accusational tone, asking why I can't use a normal camera, why I insist on being different, etc... so the two young guys, visibly embarrassed, send him away and deal with the situation in a calm, friendly manner ("could you somehow make more clear that this is a harmless activity, especially around the central station area?" - which is a fair request).

That's the least-nice experience I've ever had with police in this country (in terms of police not being nice, I mean; getting fined for driving a bike without lights sucks more, but as long as you admit that you're in the wrong they don't make a big deal out of it beyond "it's for your own safety! Now walk the rest of the way.").

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