AI-101: A basic explanation of neural networks.

You understand it's analogous right?

I'm talking about learning, yes you an an automatic withdrawal from heat. And then afterwards you determine and look at how that occurred, not your initial nervous system reaction.

Your eyes blinking aren't the learning process, that's a response to stimuli. The learning is, don't cut onions then wipe your eyes.

Learning a skill like bike riding or the violin changes the brain physically. It grows new parts but it does rearrange the old parts. There are mri scans of people who practice a skill set a lot and their brains became different.

So do neural networks. You can change structure, have self-organizing maps, or in a set topography, you change the weights affecting the influences.

You understand these are analogies that can be easily done programmatically right? You aren't simulating the entirety of how a brain operates. For example, the human brain has hormones and chemical messengers that affect how the gap is bridged and repressor hormones that can prevent things from firing off. In ANNs, that's just adjusting the weights to increase or decrease the influence of an incoming connection.

Or biases are used to shift the sigmoidal curve around, which I didn't get into which affects the output.

It isn't a one to one match up with a brain.

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