AITA for backing out of cooking for my husband after he hid my keyboard?

Why aren't you cooking for your children and husband at one go? Why separate your cooking time like that? I haven't met a family who would cook different times for their children and adults. If for instance it takes an hour to do the meals for your children and husband. It would mean you spend almost two hours doing cooking when instead you can do both meals at the same time to spend less amount of time. You already have your cooking utensils and ingredients in front of you when cooking for your children. Did you really need to not also make you and your husbands dinner while you are at it with making your children's dinner?

Especially considering 7 PM is pretty late. And he will have to wait for another hour for you to make you and your husband dinner which doesn't take into account you are going to spend finishing the section of your writing.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent