AITA for being upset that my boyfriend shouts at my friends for not following his American customs when we live in England?

No, it’s really not. He’s just an asshole (if this is real)

It’s very common knowledge in the US that people in the UK don’t tip, and most Americans agree that we should also pay servers a decent wage like they do.

Most people in the US don’t care when 18 year olds drink, even here, where it’s illegal.

Most people only use one method of birth control even if it is officially advised to use two.

The college/uni confusion is a bit more understandable but after 2 years he certainly knows the difference.

He is just an asshole, and would be an asshole about something wherever he lived. There’s nothing “very American” about any of this. The smug superiority in the comments is “very English”, though.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent