AITA for calling my husband an obnoxious idiot on his birthday?

NTA - Husband for 10 years now, when my wife and I got married I was 20 and maybe not to this extent but I had an issue making bad "jokes" and expecting people to just forgive me and know I'm joking. Those bad jokes are bullying and effect the people around you sometimes a lot. At some point you gotta look around and see, if nobody's laughing maybe your just not funny. Seems like even after all this he still feels like he is the victim which is not a good sign. One thing I did was a basic thing we used to hear as children, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all". It's simple I know but since I really got it down, take a guess at how many people I have made upset over a bad joke? Zero, it also comes with the added side effect of forming a better actually funny joke that's not mean but delivers the same message. As an asshole I know the joke you first think of err more like a dumbass observation never goes away. But blurting out whatever comes to mind will often times go bad. So hold onto the joke, think about it and then come up with something witty then talking. Again its another basic we learn as kids "Think before you speak" these rules don't go away just cuz yo momma ain't there to whoop your ass.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread