AITA for declining to allow a guy to skip me in the TSA line because his flight was leaving in 20 minutes?

Replied with this to another comment, but going to say it here too so people realize it isn’t always a lack of planning:

For many people it’s out of their control. I was supposed to fly home from Japan on Thursday, with a connecting flight in Vancouver (and 4 hours between to make the transfer, plenty of time). First flight was cancelled because of a typhoon, rescheduled for the next day. Not the biggest issue, and my new itinerary still had a two hour layover in Vancouver. Then my new flight in Japan was delayed over an hour, by the time I arrived in Vancouver there were only 40 minutes before my flight home was going to leave, and only 10 minutes before boarding started. I rushed through the giant airport, customs, and security as quickly as I could. Made it just in time, but still got dirty looks from people as I boarded the plane for being late. I hope they realize one day that you can plan all the time in the world, but shit happens.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent