AITA for leaving my own work meetings if people can't control their tempers?

Ok, quick flash to the real world: You can't make people "lose their turn" if they talk out of place with helpful and on topic ideas. As a matter of fact people should never "lose their turn."

This is what too many years of schooling, raising your hand to speak, and needing a peice of paper to go the bathroom have done. They've normalized conformity and overly strict rules.

You can't just take somebodies right to add or comment on an idea away. That's what destroys innovation, that's why schools have been ran essentially the same way since the 1960s. At the very least there was a little more freedom in the way you can converse back then.

It's insane to me that people have become so accustomed to following unjust and overly strict and enforced rules. Now people are getting angry when their is a different (and already working) system in place to discuss and engage in work related matters.

In the end though, I don't blame any of the people who say NTA, I din't think they're wrong or stupid, and I don't blame OP for thinking their is only one way to behave in a workplace and in life. I think everyone needs to realize their are a lot of different ways to have meetings, run businesses, and live lives. None are better than the others and one way might be to "uncivil" for one person, while a different way is to "oppressive" for another. To each their own, but you do need to adapt to whatever situation you're in. If you don't like it, then leave. Don't try to change it for everyone else.

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