AITA for refusing to pay my daughter's college tuition?

YTA. Big time.

Once a week to see her friends? That's absolutely ridiculous. As a teenager I was out with my friends almost daily (yes my grades were still good too) and I can't imagine how much it would've set back my social skills to only be allowed out once a week. Did you really expect her to never lie or sneak out when you were keeping her secluded? I'm sure she was fully aware of how abnormal that is when all her friends would be out and she was kept all alone at home. No wonder she developed mental health problems, she was probably lonely and depressed as heck!

Did it never occur to you to seek help for her regarding her attention in class?

You claim she's spoiled, but nothing from what you've written is actually showing her to be spoilt.

You say she always has to get her way and "see how stubborn she's being with moving away".. As she should be! She should get as far away from you as she can if she wants to ever be able to live her life as an individual and not be controlled by you. Imagine she goes to college where you live, will you be monitoring how often she goes out with any new friends she makes? What if she got a boyfriend? God forbid she attend any social college parties right?

She's been in a "bubble" all her life because YOU made it so. Despite that she's doing incredibly well for herself and now you want to take away her opportunity to go to college just because you're a little hurt? She has every right to resent you and want to get away from you. As long as you're even remotely near her she will never be able to grow as an individual and experience life to the fullest.

YTA and if you want any kind of relationship with your daughter in the future then pay for her college, where ever SHE wants to go, and let her be her own person.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread