AITA for starting to get extremely mad at my fiancé for always wanting my food?

NTA at all. This is honestly kind of concerning behavior, especially with his reactions when you say no. I also grew up with food insecurity, and this would severely piss me off. He needs to get a grip and realize how selfish his behavior is. We're talking about FOOD, and it sounds like you're having a difficult time just eating as it is. You should tell him point blank that he needs to start being more considerate of not just your food intake, but HIS. If he wants to consume so much of the food, tell him he can start contributing more financially to the food budget (or however you currently have it worked out between you). Or, if he wants to continue to act immaturely, I'd say it'd be time to start looking towards the door on this relationship. Good luck, OP

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread