AITA for telling my parents that God didn't get my court case dismissed?

NAH tbh i don’t think he necessarily sexualizes children. a lot of porn features grown women in those costumes and the fact that he found a kink he feels he could get into is him exploring his sexuality. i don’t think it entails sexualizing kids most ddlg relationships get their gratification off of a submissive consenting adult being at their will so to speak. i understand your concern for your child’s safety but him wanting you (a grown woman) in a submissive position doesn’t mean he wants or fantasizes about children in it. this isn’t to say you have to participate in anything you don’t want to and if he’s pressuring you in any way that does make him the AH but simply being into a certain sexual lifestyle doesn’t make him a child predator or mean he will prey on your child in that manner.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread