AITA for throwing cake at my best man’s girlfriend’s dress and telling them to leave my wedding

NTA Okay, I typically hate when people throw food at people because it just screams immaturity, but there is such thing as being a justified asshole and I really can't bring myself to call you an asshole for that.

But, WOW. Best man? The audacity of it all! Clearly he enabled or encouraged his girlfriend to upstage the bride with her wannabe wedding dress. But then proposing at the wedding?! People who do this are the absolute worst. But this guy was the BEST MAN?! That guy, who is most certainly not your friend, and his girlfriend are the biggest assholes of them all.

But the people telling you to be the bigger person and all that? They're also assholes for refusing to acknowledge how completely out of line those two were. If you want to apologize for throwing food, I can understand that, but you certainly do not owe them that after what they did. They owe you the biggest apology of them all, and even then you shouldn't trust those people ever. And you certainly should not apologize for kicking them out, because personally, I think the second she showed up wearing a faux wedding dress is when they should have gotten the boot.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread