AITA For Wanting to Have a Surrogate Baby, Against My Sisters Beliefs?

As a woman in the USA who’s looked into becoming a surrogate, a big requirement is you can’t be financially struggling or depend on the surrogate money. Not all women who do it are needing more change to throw around. A reason a looking into it is because I simply love being pregnant, and it makes me incredibly sad that some women can’t experience that/have a baby when I have such a easy time doing it. It’s such a great selfless gift to give a mother/father a chance to be a parent. Adoption is NOT for everyone. It’s great and honorable, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. It isn’t as easy as getting a perfect little newborn with no issues. Most of the time the baby is attachment issues, drug related issues, mental/physical impairments, babies are hard to come by when it’s flooded with children and teenagers, a lot of requirements such as you can’t even be on some medications for anxiety/depression or any type of chronic pain medications. It’s a long waiting list, and a lot of money. The list goes on. You have to have the right mentality, strength, and responsibility to become a adoptive parent. You’re not a bad person for decided to go the route of surrogacy. I always tell women if you don’t want to have kids, don’t do it out of pressure or guilt. It’s not fair to you or the child. That goes for adoption/foster care, too.

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