AITA I overheard all of my coworkers talking behind my back

This is a hostile work environment and I have unfortunately been treated the same way at my current job (only since my old lead quit and things started going downhill after that. She was awesome) and one I used to work in years ago. I work my butt off and will burn myself out just to get treated as if I'm not doing enough when I'm doing the work of more than one person at times. I KNOW I'm doing well, too. Places like this tend to be chronically understaffed and have a high turnover rate. This would be a huge reason why. Managers don't really want to deal with it and will ignore it until they lose their best employees. My advice is to try to find another job if you can and report this. These coworkers are the type to love drama and make issues with people who come in and are good employees because it makes them look bad. They don't want you there so they can keep getting away with their toxic behaviors. Unfortunately, I have found that the manager is in on it and won't do anything because they are probably all friends with each other. Just speaking from experience.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread