Alexey Navalny in critical condition with risk of death at any moment, say doctors who demand to be admitted to him for emergency treatment

I'm afraid you've got it backwards. Personally, I went from being a tepidly pro-Western, vehemently anti-Putin person to being a vehemently anti-Western person after I started learning English and consuming Western media on a daily basis. I don't watch local TV so I'm barely familiar with the state run media narrative.

I know it's a comforting thought that the Chinese / Russian are just hopelessly brainwashed to their state-owned media, yada yada. "If only they get to know us, they'll agree that our ways are superior" - you, probably.

Yeah, no. I'm still flabbergasted as to how quickly the rose tinted glasses fall off when you consume the Western narrative right out of the horse's mouth.

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