I am 21 and 40k in debt. Any advice is welcomed.

Sell the car and anything that isn't a necessity. Find a cheap car that you can pay for fully when you go to buy it. Nothing fancy, just something to get from point A to B. Put the rest of the money towards your credit cards and start paying off the debt, preferably the highest interest cards first. Close those cards afterwords and never get another one. (Optional but prefered.) Find a friend or family to bunk down at till you get on your feet again with a better job. From there start an emergency fund in a separate checking account that will only be used in EMERGENCIES. Start with $500 and slowly increase the amount in there so a car breaking down, or what ever happens doesn't screw you over. Now to keep you out of debt so you hopefully don't get in this situation again start buying things when you have the money for it. Want a new car? Find out how much it is and figure how much you'd have to put away a month for x amount of months. Do this for everything. You'll probably be able to hangle some prices down and no the best thing. NO DEBT! I know this is more long term, but I hope it helps.

/r/personalfinance Thread