I am 26 years old and these debilitating symptoms of ageing are making me consider suicide .

It's unbelievable that she didn't give you an appointment to check you first? Wtf Of course, you can't name a condition right away and to have symptoms doesn't mean you have a condition, but how the doctor talk your concerns down was disrespectful!

This happend to me once too, I was misdiagnosed 2 different times and had a surgery I didn't even needed - and guess what, after finally getting a private insurance they eventually checked what I had and it was almost to late to do anything. Like treatment was on the last second. I'm recovered now and am better but it was such a struggle for years and no one took me serious And my condition got so much worse, because it was undetected. I would not have so many problems now, when they had treated me in an early age (late teen years)

I know exactly how you feel

Search for an expert, a neurologist or whatever doctor you want to seek help from, but not the same doctor you talked on the phone with

Whatever they tell you, ask for a appointment (the trick is: lie and say you have symptoms since yesterday evening and it's gotten soo much worse, I'll guarantee you they give you an appointment asap, because in the medical field many people believe it's a emergency when symptoms appear drastically stronger than usual.) and when you're in that appointment tell the doctor exactly how many years this is already happening and which symptoms did occur and when they appeared.

I hope you'll find a doctor that actually listens to you

Again, I'm not a doctor and I can only assume, that they do a MRT or CT or whatever checking to make sure what's causing all this

I'm so sorry you were treated like that... But you'll find a doctor, who will make sure what you have

Maybe it's really nothing and then you can finally worry

But they need to check it.

Also sorry for the text wall

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