"I am not my ancestors"

I really don't think that many people are discouraging white voices. People just seem to be discouraging the type of white people who try and talk over black people, and don't empathize with them. Shit, I'm white, and I've spoke a fair amount about this kind of stuff, both on this website and in real life, and I've never really been demonized for it.

The problem is that a lot of white people have a really difficult time trying to walk in the shoes of black people. If you act like you know more about what's right to do, and what should be done, without understanding the everyday struggles and marginalization of black people, it makes you look really bad.

Dave Chapelle did a bit 10 years ago about how white people just didn't believe black people when they would talk to them about police violence. Ten years later, I've seen people all over this website finally admit that their point of view was starting to change because they were faced with what they saw as indisputable evidence of how people are treated differently for the color of their skin today. Yes, there are black people that see white people as the devil and think that all white people are bad, but that doesn't mean that you, as a white person, don't have the ability to try to change their understanding.

I honestly don't see many examples of "populist, mob mentality bullshit" like you talk about, people are just sick of having their experiences delegitimized because it doesn't have enough academic peer-reviewed sources or comes from anecdotal experience or anything like that.

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