I am Scorpio F, have question about Virgo M ignoring me

Monday comes around and he needs to bail to work on a group project for an engineering class he's in. I say sure, no biggie, let's reschedule. We set for Tuesday. Tuesday rolls around, and I have to bail. It's fine, and I tell him I'm more free at the end of the week, and leave it at that. He texted me last night and asked would I be free to hang out after the extra study session we had today. I told him no, I had to go to my lab today for work, and was he free for lunch today. He said yes, we set a time. We meet up and go to lunch. We talk more and more rap music, fashion, a little bit of religion. He's mostly asking me questions, seems like he's prepared with a list in some ways! I'm doing a lot of the talking, and he's listening, making some sarcastic remarks, with me occasionally high-fiving him when we have the same reactions. I remind him to check the time since I know he has class, and he stays until 15 minutes before class to keep chatting. We leave the restaurant, I realize I forgot something, but I told him I would text him.

We've been texting some since, although we haven't talked today. As a Scorpio, the speed throws me off a bit. I'm used to lightning-quick flashy trysts, not a slow buildup. But I think I hate the slow buildups because I'm fearful of being disappointed by an unrequited crush. When we have texted, he has apologized for being busy/a bad texter/distracted. Our conversations are still him asking me questions and me talking, and I asked him how he was doing once because I'd been talking a lot about myself. He said he's not nearly as interesting as me, and then continued the conversation. That night we texted until I fell asleep around 1:30AM.

This past Friday, I walked with him to his next class, and I mentioned how I was going to lab (I'm helping research Alzheimer's disease) and then going to the food bank, and he jokingly (?) said I was making him feel bad because I was out there saving the world and he was just studying and working on school. I laughed it off and told him not to feel bad. I asked him if he wanted to get lunch, and he said he had plans, but to text him when I could, leading to the paragraph prior to this message.

After that day, the texting slowed way down into nothing, and I didn't verbally tell him happy birthday on his birthday that just passed in class, and now we do not speak at all.

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