Am I wrong for thinking my in-shape friend shouldn’t complain about their weight loss struggles to me?

No no no. Not at all a matter of I should hold my experience back because they’re beneath me. On the contrary, my experience should be at their disposal. What I’m saying is I should refrain from sharing my own personal struggles with things that aren’t relevant to their own goals. They have their own goals and own mountains, they don’t need to be bothered by my struggles.

I would feel comfortable sharing in my journey as peers with someone who was around my weight, so 25-50lbs either direction. If I was discussing with someone who needed to lose more weight than that, then I would feel obligated to share my insight, but none of my personal ambition, desire, or struggles. I would feel obligated to make the exchanges on weight loss very them-centric and how I could help them.

I’m sorry you feel that way, my notion is not at all to hinder learning.

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