Is it possible to become skinny since I have been fat / chubby all of my life?

Yes, it is 100% possible.

I was overweight from the age of about 11-onwards. Over time I became morbidly obese and ballooned to over 400lbs.

I was so unhappy in my body, hated myself, and knew that I couldn’t keep this up. So when I was 32, I took a timid step forward. I found a personal trainer and he helped me build a foundation, and actually be excited about fitness. Then I began to learn about diet and food intake and changing the way I ate and how I ate, not just what I ate. That made a huge impact. At that point, I was committed. Committed to making a change that was going to be permanent.

I hit my goal of 200lbs lost after 8 years. I had a lot of loose skin, tissue, and fat that I couldn’t lose, but that wasn’t important at the time. I did it. And never gained it back. I recently had surgery to remove the skin and tissue, which I’m happy to say is a game changer, but I never would have done it without dropping 200lbs first.

Weight loss changed my life.

But you have to be sincere and committed, be prepared for slow changes, know that it is a marathon not a sprint, and be kind to yourself.

/r/WeightLossAdvice Thread