America hits peak anti-intellectualism: Majority of Republicans now think college is bad

What about this thread? I would say it's fair to say this is a thread made for and by the left. (I'm an independent btw although I shouldn't have to clarify to avoid being called a Trump supporter for having a dissenting opinion.)

Please read the actual article people. It says 55% of the public think colleges have a positive impact while 58% of Republicans or Republican-leaning independents think colleges in America have a negative impact.

This could mean they don't think useless education should be payed for with taxes. They could think that everyone needing to go to college to make a livable wage is unreasonable. Both makes sense from a conservative perspective, so it seems expected that they would be skewed to thinking college has a negative impact. We should be talking about the fact that 55% of the public thinks colleges have a negative impact. From a cursory search, about 60% of Americans have some form of college experience and 30% have a bachelor's degree. This means there is a large overlap where people who attended college think it's negative for the country as a whole. I don't care what philosophy you prescribe to, but we should at least talk about these issues. Threads like this that stifle even somewhat reasonable opinions are actively attacking people without context and rely on stifling your, and my, pursuit of knowledge.

They could think any number of reasonable beliefs to say that, and witchhunting like this thread shows precedent where members of the left have "actively attempted to stifle the pursuit of knowledge." The fact that you could say that only the right has ever stifled the pursuit of knowledge makes me think you've never truly pursued knowledge like Isaac Asimov wanted us to. I can tell you he absolutely didn't want you being spoon fed information in college courses that don't prepare you for life. He would likely be on the side against colleges today imho (even though I'm not). This thread is full of people misinterpreting this data and making unreasonable conclusions with the evidence they have. This is the exact danger we must be so cognizant

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