American male vs. menstruation

This entire line of thinking is childish, tbh. It's a false equivalency.

Yes, people are squeamish about seeing vomit, feces, buggers, spit. But American men can't even CALL a period a period; it's always "Lady stuff", or "that time of the month", and women are told to say this when men are around so we don't offend you with the notion we are bleeding out of our vag. It's absolutely more of a taboo than other body fluids.

Men feel uncomfortable buying tampons, for whatever fucking reason, when I highly doubt they'd be uncomfortable picking up other hygiene products like toilet paper, tissues, or even female deodorant.

Men often equate periods to women being weepy and emotional and use it as an excuse to wave away female concerns.

I've seen men freak the fuck out in gender neutral bathrooms because there's a canister to throw away feminine hygiene products. Or they're grossed out seeing a wrapped tampon in the garbage.

Periods are NOT treated the same as spit, or someone blowing their nose, or whatever excuse you want to make. Most women bleed out of their vagina 24 hours a day, 4-7 days a week, every single month. Equating it to vomit, which happens rarely, is ridiculous.

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