Why have Americans gotten more liberal on most social issues, but are largely unchanged on abortion rights?

Murder is defined as illegal killing. Killing someone in self-defense is not murder. You may be charged with murder, but when found not guilty, you are not a murderer, just a killer.

To their point, abortion is murder. There is no qualification. Calling it murder is saying that at its core, the act of abortion is illegal killing. You're providing nuance they themselves do not subscribe to.

There is no self-defense abortion. You might say in the case of mother health abortions it is self-defense, but that's silly. The baby is not attacking. The mother's body has failed to protect itself. Why should you commit murder just because of natural consequences.

Your rape/incest point just circles back: it's only murder because of the way she conceived. That's messed up. Things not often heard at murder trials: "Yes, we know they killed that person, but in their defense, they were raped by a totally different person." Come on.

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