Americans, what the fuck?

Same here but it seems pretty obvious to me. This country has been using and abusing people for too long. We are being milked and slaughtered like cattle. People of color have it the worst. They have always had to live in fear and all too often die just for being who they are. Can't you imagine what that must be like? It's despicable. Beyond the police killings and other violent bigots, African Americans suffer the same humiliations as most of us, contributing day in and day out to an economic system that squeezes every drop of value from our lives. And all the fruits of that effort get funneled to the top, leaving the rest of us to fight over crumbs. Life has not improved for the average American for a long time now. Hell, it seems like it's only gotten harder for most of us. How long did you think we can keep that up?

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