An Analysis of Engagement Ring Preferences: 1/3 women don't want a diamond

it's mindboggling to me that it's weird to some folks.

These people are feminists. They hate patriarchy and want to destroy all remenants of patriarchy in society. The only remaining patriarchial tradition is the role of the father, and so these people are seeking to destroy fatherhood as a social institution.

This is why they are against men asking their bride's father for permission to marry his daughter, because they think the concept of a man being responsible for the well being of his family is fundamentally sexist and hateful towards women. They do not concieve of marriage as a woman joining with a man to form a new family, but rather of a man joining with the woman's pre-existing family -- the ultimate goal being generations without meaningful father roles.

They are against women taking their husband's name precisely because this breaks patrilineal lines of descent. It becomes impossible for men to carry on their family name, and ensures that children do not take their father's name.

They are in favor of single mothers, and frivilous divorce, and denying men custody of their children, and forced child support, all because they wish to strip men of the most meaningful role they have in society and create a matriarchy where the father has been vanguished and destroyed,

Most of them, such as the people posting in these threads, are Useful Idiots for radical man-hating feminists who want to see men utterly removed from society. They have no idea what "patriarchy" means, which is why they can't see that their real goal is to destroy western society and replace it with a matriarchy.

What they fail to understand is that matriarchies cannot function because they generate huge numbers of males with absolutely no investment in the well-being of society, who then turn to crime and rebellion.

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