Any other DotA 2 players on the autism spectrum? I need some advice (serious post)

This is not to answer your question, and I myself am not on the spectrum, but more a PSA to players. Also, this is a wall of text and at times sort of rambly. Apologizes

(this is not aimed at anyone above, say, 5k. Also, there are of course exceptions)

You are not smarter than your team (in terms of game intelligence) on any real level. Lets say you were 3.2k MMR, and truly had a real, tangibly higher level of game knowledge, then you would not be 3.2k MMR. Oh so often people think thoughts along the lines of "I may be 3.2k MMR, but I have the knowledge of a 4k". No, you dont. If that was true you would very rapidly approach 4k, and not be stuck at low 3k. I was a 1k player myself once, and thought I actually had any knowledge at all. Then I hit 2k and realized "I didnt know shit lol". Still, as a 2k player I thought "yea everyone else is a tard but me lol". Then I hit 3k and truly realized how bad that mentality was, and is. I accepted that I am at the same level as my peers. Funny enough, this rule probably didnt apply to me, at least not the same way it does for most. I went from 1.5k to 5k in 1950~ hours. Which is pretty fucking quick (considering all the party games), especially for my first MOBA. Still I never let myself think I was better, as that creates a mental attitude that is simply not healthy for improvement and learning.

SIDENOTE- A lot of players seem to use this logic to deflect blame for the loss from themselves to a teammate. Which is a really easy way to not learn from a game. Instead of reflecting on how they could improve and what they did wrong, they focus on what their team did wrong. Your not gonna learn anything if the only reflection you have on the last match is "my teammate did X when I think he should have done Y."

/r/DotA2 Thread