Is anyone else finding it more and more difficult lately just get up and go to work?

We live in a archaic negative energy loop and as more people experience a new realization that this life whatever it is isn't working anymore. This construct is wrong on so many levels. So many pointless jobs just to afford a house you never get to see. Think how much of our income goes for gas insurance rent. Life is so short and we waste it because of this loop we enter into from day one. Graduate, get a job, die. We pay taxes and then can't even get a stimulus when people are suffering. It a raw deal and we as a whole are finally like, yeah fuck this. We are also brainwashed that if you don't want to spend your precious time working that you are lazy or have no work ethic. I know people who literally have nothing in life but their work. And so if you actually have desires and passions beyond working a cash register or siting at a computer then you are lazy. The system of debt and taxes and shit wages and insurance scams is going to collapse. We can either rebuild it how we want or let the same people who trapped us in the first shit system build the next one.

/r/antiwork Thread