Apparently I do not exist, and neither do the vast majority of women I know. That's weird.

I see. Thanks for letting me know.

So in answer to your question, /u/PraiseB2SlutFucking paraphrased OP's post as, "[pickup] doesn't work on me and my friends" and went on to say, "you only notice the bad toupees" (emphasis mine) - the point being that the following is parallel to OP's post (as paraphrased): "I notice when someone is wearing a toupee."

If you accept this paraphrasing of OP's point, then I'm right to point out that it is confirmation bias. It takes the form, "all X are Y" (where X is "pickup artists" or "toupees," and Y is "noticed by me"). The reason it's confirmation bias is that she cannot know the true number of pickup artists or toupees. She can only know the number that she noticed. It's the act of assuming that constitutes 100% (or if you want to get technical, it's the act of assuming that the ones she notices are typical) that makes it confirmation bias.

The way that I attack her (paraphrased) claim is by going after the word, "all." I point out times when I've noticed women not noticing pickup artists. You can, hopefully, imagine the existence of people with really good toupees.

Now, you're asking if my experience of women not noticing pickup artists also constitutes confirmation bias. It certainly would if I made a claim like the following, "no women have ever noticed me" or maybe, "I am always successful." Simply put, I would need to invoke that critical word, "all" - or it's negation, "none."

If I did that, then I'd be making a claim like, "all (or no) X are Y" (where X is "women" and Y is "wise to my tactics"). I'd be assuming that the women with whom I'm successful constitute 100% (or if you want to get technical, assuming they are typical). But the truth is, I usually have no way of knowing why a woman rejects me, if she does. I have no way of knowing what percentage of them reject me because they feel I'm employing pickup. Maybe it's as high as 99% - I cannot know!

So if I made that claim (that it's 100%) then you'd be absolutely right to call me out as having fallen for confirmation bias.

But I am not making that claim. What I'm doing is targeting the word "all" in OP's (paraphrased) statement. And the only thing that I need to do to successfully attack a statement in the form, "all X are Y" is to find a single X that is not Y. For that specific purpose, it doesn't matter if I'm spotted 99% of the time. The 1% is enough to make my point.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread