Apparently wearing a red shirt and standing in front of a car isn't enough to be visible to some...

You can only do so much when driving.

This though seems like a reminder to everyone. Fucking think a little and look a little.

Another car pulls over, I don't see hazard lights on.

Did red car back up just to make more of an issue too? Whatever red car backs up.

Truck driver said sure let me continue.

This ain't even a checking everything thing. This is simply look forward. Don't know what that car was doing but don't do it. Looking forward can usually be good enough. I don't care if you aren't checking your mirrors or worry about pedestrians.

Look forward when in a vehicle of death that is where you kill. I ain't expecting much.

Why reverse idiot red car? Why continue truck, you can't go anywhere! I am more upset by those two. Also old people just don't even try, go down a different lane and have your hooker call the police.

All of this is upsetting.

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