Are INTPs prone to pretension/arrogance?

I'm glad I have your blessing for what I am allowed to feel. I suppose you might not think claiming "INTPs just plain tend to be leaps and bounds above the average at the logical systematizing they favour" is arrogant, but it really is. And then you go on with "it's not particularly surprising that some of them may end up being arrogant, as they can plainly see (correctly) that they are better than others at the things that they (subjectively) believe to be important."

So let me go a little INTP here, and first ask: in what way is a belief ever not subjective? That "clarification" was unnecessary. Secondly, INTPs are not the only type that really favors a logical way of making sense of the world, we don't have magic logician superpowers. And I am extremely skeptical of your later claim that INTPs have above average IQ scores. I would suspect (as you might gather from my OP), that INTPs are much more interested in validating their own intelligence and are more likely to go out of their way to take IQ tests if you believe they will do well, or will take it multiple times if they do well. I would sincerely hope that someone so invested in formal logic would be slightly more skeptical of statistics in general.

You then later say that you never directly address those that are not INTPs, which is both false and meaningless. By virtue of describing INTPs at all it has to be in reference to something. Describing INTPs at all implies that some/all other types do not share those traits (otherwise why bring them up?).

Finally, I would like to address your most arrogant point of all. "That said, I suspect you are just projecting your own feelings about things on the posts here." To you, it seems, the possibility that I am accurate in my interpretation is so far removed from the realm of possibility, that what is more likely is that I am performing some weird psychological contortion and projecting my own insecurities onto you. Consider which is more parsimonious: that which we both agree on (that this sub is full of self-congratulatory and pretentious know-it-alls. Your first post was really an entire attempt to explain this behavior we both observe) or your ad-hoc fallacious argument?

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