Are white people ACTUALLY offended by racism towards themselves?

It’s funny though, because as someone from Scotland, I wouldn’t want to be American. I’m proud of the country that I’ve helped mould (free healthcare, free education, gender balanced cabinets etc) and don’t think the USA is ever somewhere I’ve looked to for guidance on good policy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the US and the people, visit loads, but as I once told a Canadian border guard when the probing about my amount of travel started, ‘I’m going home in two weeks time. Trust me, home is better.’

But at the same time, people from Denmark will be looking at me thinking ‘how can she be proud to be from Scotland’ as they have it a little bit better again.

Pride in a location is entirely subjective/changes with political movement I think. With Brexit going on, I’m ashamed to be British at the moment.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent