Ashamed to admit how far I had to come to get to this point, but I'll take it.

They probably left you thirsty! In all seriousness, what I did is literally just pick up a lb or 2 of apples, carrots, broccoli, pears, (I mean judge how much you can eat so you dont have it all go bad on you) anything if its in all fresh off the supermarket produce racks. No canned. Frozen is ok, but part of my discipline was making a ritual of cleaning and chopping. grabbed a Big ole jar of peanut butter and a big block of cheddar cheese, eggs and whole wheat bread. oh and as far as being thirsty, i kept a 1 gal jug with me at all times and tried for 2 gals a day. Usually doing 1 1/2 or so.

I let myself eat as much fruit and veg as I could stuff myself with and portioned myself the other stuff (usually with toast or apples) . Used the labels on the back, they are FDA and accurate. I aimed for 2000 cals a day plus 20k steps/ prison style workouts. (lifting things like water as weights and playground equipment as a gym)

What was your starting fatness? If you dont mind me asking. Also M or F because that could be a factor too XD Im Male so yeah idk if it would be the same for a chick.

(disclaimer Mattmenzo is not a Doctor or nutritionist, this is not advice but personal testimony of his journey)

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