Ask Anything: 2017-01-06

On week ten of basic beginner cycle (250mg test E every third day with aromasin every second day as I seem to aromatise a bit) and I'm moving to the UK in three weeks. After finishing the planned 12 week cycle should I PCT or cruise?

Re PCT option: I'm thinking I should do it to see how my body responds to PCT, but from what I've read about PCT here that to maintain your cycle gains you want to ensure everything is on point (diet, training, sleep, minimal stress etc). I'm worried this might not be the case amidst the chaos of moving to a new country. A pro for PCT though is that it's much easier bringing PCT tablets through customs than syringes.

Re cruise option: finding a source doesn't sound too hard in the UK (legality and all that) so should be able to organise it within week or so of arriving. The main issue though is I might miss one or two injections though before its delivered, which is obviously not at all desirable. I could take pre-loaded syringes through customs, but there would be some issues if I got caught as my significant other isn't aware of my AAS use.

Any thoughts?

/r/steroids Thread