Why do you assume Red Pill men hate women?

Hey, thanks for the well thought out response - they can be far and few between here on PPD but when they happen it makes the dreck worth it (sometimes, anyway).

if you are a young woman--you think you need that absurd worship men have for women.

Yes. You think you need it, you think your value and worth depends upon it. When you get it, there's a euphoria there, a kind of intoxication with yourself. I must be the most awesome person ever, look at all this attention I'm getting. The thing is, most people, including most beautiful women, eventually realize that it's shallow. That's not criticism or shitting on it - it is undeniable fact that beauty is immensely powerful. But one thing I don't think TRP gets about a beautiful woman is that if she's even slightly introspective or thoughtful, she soon realizes that the attention is meaningless in some very real ways. They don't like you. They like the curve of your ass. He's not interested in what you specifically as an individual human being have to say or what you think, he's just listening and nodding his head in the hopes of getting his hands on your body. We're all like this in some ways, slaves to our baser instincts. But imo the sooner young women realize their beauty says nothing about who they are or what they're worth, the better. That shit just leads to insecurity and paranoia. And to be clear I'm not denying here that there are certain advantages to being beautiful. I'm just not convinced that if you asked all formerly beautiful women, at 85, if their beauty was a blessing or a curse, that all of them would unambiguously say "blessing".

TRP doesn't really understand the deeper reasons why women do things. They are basically saying 'acquire traits that are conventionally attractive and women will like you.' No duh. Then they claim this confirms their deeper theory--like the paleo diet confirms that losing weight on the paleo diet confirms something about human evolution. It's very amusing.

This is truth. It's smoke and mirrors and human psychology (human male psychology playing tricks on itself, imagining control where there isn't any etc.)

then use their beauty to become a rich dermatologist to the stars.

This is so funny - I've had this exact thought before. "Hmmm...why do all these celeb dermatologists look like models...is there some sort of beauty requirement to get into dermatology?" So funny.

Thanks again for your response, I hope you stick around. :)

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