Atheists of Reddit, why are you atheist? Believers in God, why do you believe?

I know a family who are heavily religious. Church at least three times per week, church holidays to campsites for bible readings...

Mother, father, eldest son, son 2, daughter 1, daughter 2.

The mother is a Brigadier (or something) in the UK Salvation Army. She works in a Salvation Army charity shop. No problems there.

Father used to work at a Christian hostel. Then he had a brain hemorrhage (no medical evidence to support it). He went on to a faith healing show on TV and was told he could walk again, and - Lo! He walked again. Right up until the point when he realised he would lose his benefits money and then had a 'relapse' and got worse. His wife works long hours and is expected to wait on him hand and foot when she gets home.

Eldest son... Here goes. All through life, had epileptic seizures. Had tests done - he's not epileptic. His medical team asked his mother to keep a diary of his seizures and on review, it transpires that these 'seizures' happened when he was told to get a job or put out the trash. Basically anything he didn't want to do. I'll come back to him later.

Second son - left the church, got a job working on lights and rigging for UK rock gigs, got married, has a kid and a nice home, his wife seems happy all the time and he seems like a nice lad, well-balanced.

Eldest daughter (third child). Rebelled. Drank, smoked pot, got pregnant, had the child and then handed responsibility on to her mother to raise it while she goes off and does (literally) god-knows-what.

Youngest daughter - self harms. Always painfully shy. Chainsmokes. Raped throughout her childhood by the eldest son. So was her sister, so can't blame them for being fucked up. (Eldest son is now in jail for downloading Cheese Pizza and raping his sisters. The child is not his, btw).

The mother's reaction? How blessed she is that her god is on her side.

On her side?!

This is why I don't believe in religion or a god. It is a man-made construct for control with so many caveats and opt-outs to absolve the deity of any misdemeanours that I honestly think only the most stupid can persist in believing the stories.

The mother has a shit life, but she trusts in her god for it all to come right in the end, despite the fact that things just keep getting worse and worse.

That isnt a loving, caring god to me. It's a psychopath, toying with people's sanity and good nature.

TL;DR A family, torn apart by incest, rape, lying and generally 'evil' still has a mother who believes it is all part of her god's 'plan'. I call bullshit. The only member of her family who is happy is the one who rejected religion and made a life for himself outside the constraints of the church.

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