Australian through the eyes of a teenager.

Im not sure if this statement sounds outlandish but it seems like the majority of Australians are not being properly represented by our 2 party system. Voting for Labor or Liberal seems like a choice of the lesser evil. I want a progressive leader for our nation and it seems very hard to produce one through our current system.

I'm a fellow 18 year old Aussie like you, and I do agree these two parties don't represent us.

You would assume I would be a leftie, especially if you see my demographic. However, I've been dismayed by the future of our "progressive" parties. I'm centre right, so I'm not far off the left. However, I've been turned off voting Labour because I think we're going in the opposite direction.

How could we change the way we do things? I would really enjoy reading through all your thoughts on the things I have said. Would me trying to climb my way to PM do anything? How could I as an individual change things?

Don't listen to the shit our parents say. Some of what they say is true. However, as the younger generation, we should not propel some of the shit they say.

/r/australia Thread