Bank of England boss says global finance is funding 4C temperature rise

Our dependency on fossil fuels is coerced. For hundreds of years the alternatives have been systematically, and intentionally, stymied.

Nobody is going to use fossils fuels when they have better options at their disposal. And the reason they don’t have better options at their disposal is because of a massive, orchestrated effort.

Let’s say I want to make a surfboard from scratch. I need polyurethane, which is made from petroleum, which is refined from crude oil, which is sucked out of the Earth by way of massive global infrastructure.

Now let’s say I want to make an alternative type of polyurethane, but make it out of hemp. It would be easier to make plastic out of hemp than out of crude oil. I could grow the hemp, I could (conceivably) perform the necessary chemistry involved to make plastic out of it. But it would not be economically feasible, only because petroleum based polyurethane is so artificially inexpensive. It is not easier or cheaper to suck oil out of the ground and refine it, yet the products of said action are cheaper, due to systematic, artificial manipulation.

There are cheaper, easier alternatives to petroleum, but those alternatives cannot compete with the massive amount of subsidies that prop up the fossil fuel cabal.

Are you really convinced that the only sources of energy are nuclear fusion and combustion?

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