Barr: “It’s Not a Crime” for Trump to Demand Staffers Lie to Investigators — Isn’t That Literally Obstruction of Justice?

"blasting him with facts"? She was blabbering conspiracy theories, and blasting lies about Barr right to his face. "WE ALL KNOW WHATS GOING ON!" sounds like my Looney Uncle. Damn, that was sad to watch.

She made an absolute fool of herself, getting all emotional. Didn't you see the faces of everyone else around the room? It was so bad and awkward to the point that she was called out for slander!

It was the most embarrassing 7 minutes of the entire thing. At the end, she begged him with "please" to go personal. She didn't ask, but demanded his opinion. He looked so concerned for her behavior, the whole room decided to simply carry on to the next person without even discussion.

Absolutely pathetic of her to be so emotional. People voted her in?

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