Begrudgingly, Japan Begins To Accept It Needs More Immigrants

Uh, no... I live here in Japan.

You don't understand what it's like. This country is great, I love it here. But you are always and always will be 'the foreigner.'

If a person with a different skin tone walks into a restaurant in America, the cashier doesn't think 'shit. Shit. A foreigner. My Spanish is terrible.'

But here in Japan, you deal with that everyday. The shop clerk's Mile Wide Smile doesn't hide the mild panic in their eyes as they're trying desperately to remember their English lessons. The relief on their face or sheer exuberance in their voice when you order or say what you want in fluent Japanese.

They don't see you as a customer, first. They see you as a foreigner. Constant reminders of how to act and behave. Constant 'lessons' on Japanese culture and etiquette because 'you are a foreigner and wouldn't know.'

The polite, but slightly condescending questions about songs, legends and stories that never end because 'you are a foreigner and wouldn't know.'

It's not constant. But you notice it. And it's just a drop in the bucket. But when you have the 'outsider' label on you first and foremost, it does build up. It's a gentle, but constant reminder that people will assume you don't live here.

You also have this really strange quirk of Japanese to not actually understand your Japanese, even if it's really really good.

They don't expect you to speak Japanese because... foreigner =\= Japanese speaker. Let alone a good speaker. And I'm not fluent by any stretch. I flub on the grammar all the time. And remembering slang and idioms is a total bitch-and-a-half.

But, them's the breaks when living in a foreign country.

Now, let me make one thing clear... I actually love it here. I think this country is the tits. The people here are, 99.999% of the time some of the warmest, nicest and kind-hearted people. The kids are well-mannered and curious. The adults work hard and play hard. My work is fun, rewarding and pays well. The culture is amazing, fun and colorful.

This country has its flaws, too. There was that awful stabbing a few weeks ago. And the recent pool slashing. And just past Roppongi Crossing is a place I still dare not go to club.

Am I an outsider? Yes. Does it suck? Yes, when I'm reminded of it. But, it could be worse. Way worse.

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