Being Feminine Is Exhausting

Performing femininity is so much more expensive and time consuming than performing masculinity

Even tho I agree with the fact that performing femininity is quite expensive, I need to stop you. For AGES performing masculinity was based on doing all the physical work (which consumes time and health), making all the important decisions, taking all the responsibilities and basically provide living for two (when we're just engaged) or for the entire fucking family. So please, don't come to me crying about the fact that you have to pay 200£/$/€ every month in cosmetics and accessories when I, as a male, can get socially excluded if I'm even just emotional, if I don't have a muscolar body, and generally considered a failure as a man for not having a job who can provide enough money for at least two people.

We work harder

Arguable. Statistically speaking men work more hours and do most of the physical works, so that's technically false.

earn less

Again, as you statistically work less hours and do jobs that have a lower average pay, you earn less. That doesn't stop you from working your ass off, get into an high-paying job and decide to find a man (or whatever you may like) who's fine with working less and spend more hours at home for the house/family-duties.

and spend more

Again, I agree with the fact that it may be annoying to spend that much in stuff like cosmetics etc, but as I said remember that just like you feel that pressure on you, we feel the pressure of having to be economically stable to find a girl, as well as being both physically and emotionally able to "take care" of her.

sometimes we also have to perform the majority of the household duties

True to some degree. It's not like you have to, it's more like most women choose to. Adult, independent, free women who decide to do the household duties as their partner usually works more/does a more weary job. No one forces you anymore. If you don't step up for yourself no one will. Hell life is so free now: it's very unlikely to find a man who will try to force you to stay at home and be a "woman" by taking care of the house, and you are completely free to turn them down if they do.

be submissive to our partner (if you're heterosexual) because we don't want to hurt the male ego.

Stop making it look like you're doing us a favour. If you decide you don't want to hurt the male ego then it's your choice. I'm sick of having people giving us the blame for their choices just because they feel like they're supposed to do it. Being submissive to the partner is a very private and individual thing, no one expects you to be like that. If you don't like to be submissive then don't be, there's plenty of man who like to see girls who don't take shit from anyone.

There is a stigma about women taking too long to get ready or buying too many clothes, it's silly yet reflective of the way men constantly shame women for everything they do, including adhering to the same beauty standards men themselves demand from women.

It's more like a stereotype, but i do agree on that part. Again remember we too suffer from stereotype as we are the dumb guys who only think about sex and manly stuff, and are the one who are expected to wait for you silently until you get ready. I'm not trying to make a competition here but you should consider both sides of a story when you hear it. Yes, most men do shame women for not adhering to the beauty standards, and that's wrong ofc, but women do the same by measuring men on their success in life as well as their appeareance. I'm not saying that because you do it with us then you deserve it if we do the same, I think it's wrong in both cases, but don't make it sound like it's all our fault or like we should let you do it with us just because you let us do it with you.

but sometimes I want to throw the towel and feel comfortable for the rest of my life.

Do it, really. You are free to do what makes you feel better. Yes there are standards because that's how society works, but that doesn't mean that you have to follow them. Not everyone likes to follow the standards, it's up to you whether you decide to endure it and follow them so that you can fit with the people who likes them, or to throw the towel and fit with the ones who threw it just like you, even though they are statistically less people.

/r/GenderCritical Thread