Bernie’s Women Supporters To Clinton Backers: Please Stop Calling Us Stupid

Thank you for saying this. I really want to see a thoughtful analysis or breakdown of how exactly young women's arguments and beliefs are being flat-out discounted and diminished by Clinton supporters. And I am truly baffled at the lack of any critical thinking exhibited in this process.

Sure, a successful, wealthy white woman is running for President. In a different array of candidates, this might actually be a factor. But if the ugly 'Progressive' debate last week clarified anything, it's that this large number of people believes that progress starts and ends with the President's identity.

This fight that they invite us in via guilt-tripping and condescension just seems pitifully small and limited in its arguments. 'There is a special place in Hell for women who don't help other women' - yeah, no, thank you. This is just another way of policing women's thoughts and beliefs. There always seems to be a new very special place in Hell for us if we don't do what's convenient for the people with more power. Used to be not obeying your husband, used to be not covering your head in church, used to be choosing a career over childrearing... Now it's this frankly frightening appeal to not ever criticize or hold a woman to an equal standard as a man in your personal estimation.

I just really want to rant about this. Because when people call Clinton slurs, when they use her husband's sexual history against her, when they attack her for being 'unlikable' or 'shrill', I want to believe every decent person will stand up and fight against it. But when we criticize her policies and her campaigning tactics, among other things, we shouldn't receive goddamn divine punishment.

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