Bernie Sanders Lays Out Bold 10-Point Plan for Democrats

Yes, exactly, when he had an opportunity to vote in favor of moving forward legislation on the DREAM act, he voted for it. please find me one example of Bernie opposing the DREAM act. I'll wait. there's nothing that shows he ever opposed it he has always been a strong supporter of the reamers. you should fix your original comment.

politico's article is misleading too, which is typical for them, they have been a leading publication on anti-progressive editorial propaganda for quite some time. when it comes to programs that allow for temporary visas to guest workers, he is opposed to those and would prefer a wider pathway to citizenship. why? because that arrangement creates a master-slave relationship between the employer and the guest worker, where they are only allowed to live in this country on the condition that they keep their employer satisfied. in such an arrangement, employers are able to hire immigrants with low wages and benefits for jobs that they wouldn't be able to pay US citizens with more negotiating power. giving employers the ability to undercut wages to needy workers drives the market down in other areas and forces citizens to compete with guest workers in related fields, leading to lower pay for everyone involved.

as for your last link. not a single person in government that I'm aware of supports completely open borders. stop spreading propaganda.

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