Bernie Sanders Says Trump Won Because Democrats Are Out Of Touch

There are coal towns in Wales that are still in bad shape 30 years after the industry waned. Ideally, new industries would locate operations in areas with idle workers so they can stay where they are, but relocation is sometimes what people have to do to find work. (Look at all the old silver rush ghost towns across the West.)

But I agree with Bernie that Democrats didn't speak to people who are underemployed and not in cities. "Go to school" isn't terrible advice, but when you're 50 it's not terribly helpful when there isn't even a community college nearby offering degrees that you can apply in your small town. (Plus...cost.)

I recently read an article that I can't locate at the moment that points out that many of the jobs lost provided other kinds of satisfaction as well -- "making stuff." I've had a job making something other than a manufactured physical product before (putting out news stories) and it's a different source of satisfaction having something to show for your efforts that other people consume, than other kinds of work. So that makes sense to me in terms of pride in your work and feelings of accomplishment and worth.

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