betrayal as the lingering feeling

ugh, that's awful. it's a valid reason re: someone else, sure, however not in the way he told to you.

when i asked my ex if there was someone else, he said no, but it would of been easier had there been someone else because then it would of been a clear cut answer. granted it would of brought on a new set of questions and insecurities, but it would of been a definitive answer. ah, well.

yeah when my ex broke up he said i was "one of the best people in the city. no my life", but there was no spark or passion. there had to be something there to begin with. that's what i sort of don't understand. you know from the beginning whether you're attracted to the person and have chemistry. but after a while, it becomes more when the two people work at it. i thought with him, if the attraction and chemistry faded things would fizzle out rather quickly. i think for me what sort of cemented things was that we decided to go on vacation together. that to me is a pretty big deal that we planned a month in advance. I think that's why I'm still bitter about it because not even a week and he broke things off. I kept trying to convey to him that before we broke up the last time i saw him was at the airport so it felt like he didn't even try. had we broken up a few weeks after I think the blow wouldn't have been so sudden.

and another thing that bothered me that maybe you experienced was he told me he stopped having feelings all of a sudden (to me at least). and it just seemed like it was from one day to the next. we had an amazing date then two days later we went on vacation. i didn't feel like he distanced himself until the last two days. You don't sleep with someone you think is a friend. I can't wrap my head around how someone can have feelings for you one day and not the other. Because when i asked him when the feelings stopped he said it was towards the end of the trip which is way I maintain that he didn't try. That he saw something (boredom, that fucking spark diminish) and just bolted for some reason.

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