Biden blasts Supreme Court’s ‘outrageous behavior’ at post-Nato press conference

Regarding abortion, off the top of my head he could: declare a public health emergency, open and operate abortion clinics on federal land, fully reimburse everyone who has to travel for an abortion, create and publicize an abortion pill program. And then fight like hell and use every dirty trick in the book to see them through. Regarding the Supreme Court, he could set the levers in motion to impeach those who lied during their confirmation hearings while holding daily press briefings exposing their ideologically-driven and legally inconsistent rulings, he could commit to packing the court. Fucking rally the base! Give them some red meat!

People want to feel energized, like he’s actually fighting. As it is, “this sucks :^( be sure to vote!” does absolutely nothing to drive turnout. People remember that shit the dems pulled with the stimulus, they want to rally behind action, not more posturing and promises

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