Birthday coming up. I really want a cheat day, but is it worth it?

Happy birthday in advance! Not looking to give you any advice on what to do or not to do, just sharing my fairly recent birthday/cheat day experience.

I was really looking forward to my birthday since I hadn't eaten any pizza in months. I really love pizza. On top of that, I baked (what I thought to be) a super delicious birthday cake for me and my family the day before.

Anyway, I ended up eating a lot of cheese and crackers and fruit that day, plus a huge pizza and a large slice of that birthday cake later in the evening. Everything felt right with the world again. Cheat day, way to go. Right?

To spare you any nasty details, I spent the following hour on the toilet in crippling pain. And on top of that, I was sweating, I was cold, I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach repeatedly and left to die on the side of the road on a horrible January morning. Maybe my body had forgotten what it was like to digest huge amounts of food. Maybe I ate everything too quickly. Maybe I made unfortunate food combinations. No idea. But looking back, I really shouldn't have done that.

I was about 3 lbs heavier the following day, but most of that was just water and poop. I ate 300 cals less for the rest of the week and it all went back to normal within 4 or 5 days, I'd say.

/r/loseit Thread